#미국 #우크라이나 #틱톡 #테무 틱톡 금지법 통과! 그 다음 타겟은 테무? | 미국, 틱톡, 테무, 우크라이나 즐거움과 유익함이 가득가득, 김지윤의 지식Play! kimjyTV@gmail.com 📑 참고문헌 📑 Costello, R. (2024, March 19). It’s Not Too Late to Stop Temu. RealClearPolicy. https://www.realclearpolicy.com/articles/2024/03/15/its_not_too_late_to_stop_temu_1018705.html Lima-Strong, C., Bogage, J., & Schaffer, A. (2024, March 16). After TikTok bill sails through House, senators pump the brakes. Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2024/03/15/tiktok-ban-senate-slows-vote-bytedance/ Lima-Strong, C. (2024, April 20). Why a potential TikTok ban is alive again in Congress, and what’s next. Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2024/04/19/tiktok-ban-bill-congress-foreign-aid-vote/ Costigan, J. (2024, April 19). Congress speeds TikTok ban bill by adding it to Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan aid package. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/johannacostigan/2024/04/18/new-legislative-package-proposes-aid-for-ukraine-israel-taiwan-and-banning-tiktok/?sh=159f49514d33 정미하. (2024, March 27). “나, 떨고 있니?”. . .테무·쉬인의 美 공습에 대응 바쁜 아마존. 조선비즈. https://biz.chosun.com/international/international_economy/2024/03/27/OONOUDDJFVARXAQ6SBKHHPM4K4/ Steele, E. (2024, April 19). Chinese linked e-commerce companies shake up US market. Voice of America. https://www.voanews.com/a/chinese-linked-e-commerce-companies-shake-up-us-market-/7577032.html City, C. (2023, September 24). From Past to Present: A historical overview of Section 321 and its influence on customs compliance. Customs City Global Solutions Inc. https://customscity.com/from-past-to-present-a-historical-overview-of-section-321-and-its-influence-on-customs-compliance/ Chow, A. R. (2024, February 16). The tax loophole that helps Temu and Shein keep prices so low. TIME. https://time.com/6695469/temu-shein-de-minimis/ O’Dell, H. (2023, October 19). How Shein and Temu get around US labor laws that ban products made with forced labor. https://globalaffairs.org/bluemarble/how-shein-and-temu-get-around-us-labor-laws-ban-products-made-forced-labor Tait, R., Greve, J. E., & Michael, C. (2024, April 21). US House approves $61bn in military aid for Ukraine after months of stalling. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/20/us-house-approves-61bn-aid-ukraine Edmondson, C. (2024, April 21). How Mike Johnson got to ‘Yes’ on aid to Ukraine. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/21/us/politics/mike-johnson-turnaround.html Cancryn A. & Haberkorn J. (2024, April 18). How Johnson and Biden locked arms on Ukraine. POLITICO. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/18/biden-johnson-ukraine-aid-00153237 Agence France-Presse. (2024, April 20). US House speaker, who strongly opposed Ukraine aid, ushers it through. Voice of America. https://www.voanews.com/a/us-house-speaker-who-strongly-opposed-ukraine-aid-ushers-it-through/7578339.html

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