Prof. John Ozolins (Australian Catholic University) reflects on «The Philosophy of Education and Its Place in Academia». He considers that the relationship between ownership and dissemination of knowledge constitutes today a problem all the more evident as we live in the time of internet and the corresponding explosive availability of information. The ownership and dissemination of knowledge is in the first place a matter of perception, on which depends the quality of our belief. In terms of a philosophy of education, the crucial thing remains the capacity to distinguish between true and false knowledge. Education is about transmission, but it is also about formation of character – «educare» is something that leads to the performance of certain activities. True education, therefore, comes at the intersection of transmission of knowledge and formation of the human person. The problem in our time is that we seem to be losing sight of education in the sense of «educare» – the formation of human character. There is also an uncritical acceptance of a «constructivist view» in the light of which knowledge is something constructed by the student. This uncritical view forgets that knowledge is a public and not a private-subjective enterprise...

Philosophy (Field Of Study)COMIUCAPUniversityPhilosophy Of Education (Field Of Study)