Online Japanese lessons provided by a Japanese language institute with over 50 years of experience, Kyoto Institute of Culture and Language. 1. Grammar Have unlimited access to 150 videos of grammar explanations for a year! You can master 1 grammar point in just 5 minutes! You can also learn about Japanese culture through the videos! 2. Conversation Can you "speak" in Japanese? KICL’s online conversation lessons are “custom-made format”, allowing you to overcome your individual worries and weaknesses! After each lesson, you will receive feedback from a professional Japanese teacher. 3. Correction With KICL’s online correction, your writing is corrected into natural Japanese by a professional Japanese teacher. Not only you learn the correct Japanese, but also how to organize the context of your writing in a conveyable way. ☝️Online meetups with Japanese people Once you have applied for any of the above lessons, you can participate in online meetups with Japanese people! For more details, please access to our homepage. 「會話」「文法」「文案編修」由擁有50年以上日本語教育傲人實績的京都文化日本語學校所提供的線上講座! 1. 文法講座 150個文法解說影片全年無限制觀看!5分鐘即可上手一個文法! 2. 會話 好不容易學了日語,卻懊惱沒機會開口說嗎!?京都文化日本語學校特別為您開設了「一對一」線上會話教學,與您一起克服日語口說的弱項! 3. 文案編修 不只一般作文修改!從學術論文、商用信件、求職履歷、日記到社群平台發文,都由專業日語師資為您潤飾至最道地、自然的日本人用語! ☝與日本人的線上交流會! 在與日本人的對話中實際使用所學文法!將「學到的」日本語轉變為「實用的」日本語。 申請報名方法及講座詳細內容請參閱本資料 #japaneseonlineclass #日本語能力試験 #noken #learnjapanese #japaneselanguageschool #日文 #自學日文 #日文學習 #日語學習 #日檢 #日文檢定 #日檢準備