I am writing a book! If you want to know when it is ready (and maybe win a free copy), submit your email on my website: https://www.jeffreykaplan.org/ I won’t spam you or share your email address with anyone. This is a video lecture about chapter 1 of Russ Shafer-Landau's book "Whatever Happened to Good and Evil?" The lecture includes discussion some terminoligical points about moral skepticism and moral objectivism, but it also includes the three reasons why Shafer-Landau thinks that moral skepticism, which he understands to be the denial that there is one universal set of moral laws that apply to everyone's actions everywhere, is increasing in popularity at the moment. There is also a criticism of moral skepticism, based on the fact that all, or virtually all, people who subscribe to it also seem to hold commited, non-relative moral opinions. Shafer-Landau calls this moral schizophrenia. I also explain the distinction between ethics and metaethics. This lecture is part of an introductory-level philosophy course, Introduction to Ethics.