If you want to get out of debt fast, then you need to focus on boosting your income and reducing your expenses. In this video, I give you 9 simple, actionable strategies that you can use to give your income an immediate boost. The first three strategies involve uncovering and accessing money that you already have, but it's currently stored somewhere other than your bank account. The next three strategies involve earning more money with what you do on a daily basis: work at a job. The final three strategies involve taking things you own and turning them into cash. What are some other strategies for increasing your income so you can pay off debt? Let me know in the comments. ****************************** The Life Insurance Trap: https://youtu.be/9bM1QLufv5Y How I Became Debt Free: https://youtu.be/F-y-NYitK7c ****************************** Let's connect! Facebook: www.facebook.com/practicalpf Instagram: www.instagram.com/practicalpf_

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