I love sharing the stories and these truly impressive vans. Don and Becky and the folks at Vantasia Vans worked hard to create such a fun event, Spring Fever. This years theme was Vantoga, which included a full on toga party and a great band. A good time was had by all. Thank you all for being In the journey with me❤️ Email: BecomingBev@yahoo.com Instagram: 1BecomingBev FaceBook: BecomingBev My Campground: www.FredRock.US My Patreon Account: https://patreon.com/becomingbev Link for Trusted House Sitters https://www.trustedhousesitters.com/refer/RAF678418/?utm_source=copy-link&utm_medium=refer-a-friend&utm_campaign=refer-a-friend Thank you to my Viewers, Channel Subscribers and Patreons