Video : Italy, Milan Trip Audio: Na m' agapas (You Should Love Me) by the greek band named "Trifono" (3 voices), greek cover of the original song "Gente Que Si" I don't own the rights of the audio and the video but they belong to their respected owners. The video was edited based on Fair Use Law for entertainment purposes only and not for profit.

Sergei PoluninNa m' agapasνα μ' αγαπαςtrifonoτριφωνοItalyMilan Tripyou should love mefraudulentsmilefrodulentfraudulendGente Que SicoversacrerehersalperformancedancedancerdancersdancingsubsenglishsubtitlesNijinskytributeSACRÉharlequinsubtutleaccordeonhappyloveselfcarefake