When we convert a fraction, like 3/8 to a percent, we’re asking “What percentage is 3 of 8 ?” To figure this take the Part (3) divided by the Whole (8) x 100. Part/Whole x 100 = ___ % So we divide 3 by 8 and multiply by 100 to convert 3/8 to a percent. When we do that, we find that 3/8 is 37.5%. That means if you take 3/8 of something you are taking 37.5%. Note that the fraction 3/8 is less than one so we should have a percentage less than 100%. This is a helpful way to check your work. --- Steps to Change 3/8 to a Percentage— 1. Divide the numerator and denominator to get a decimal. 2. Multiply the fraction to get the percent value.

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