My Win 10 computer's audio began to have really bad static, popping, drop out, ... until it was hard to listen to and unusable for making videos. I tried everything the internet had to offer, and NONE of it worked. i replaced / updated EVERY driver. I updated the BIOS. I checked the hardware. There were no more options and I thought I would have to buy a new motherboard. Then... WARNING: Some actions depicted / described in this video can cause data loss and / or computer damage. If you do not know, learn first or have a professional do it. UPDATE: 20211029: Once again I have having audio problems, this time with the microphone. No audio or USB plug will record clear audio. All the hardware works on my son's computer (which has all the same stuff as mine). Once again I will probably have to reinstall Windows. This is like the bad old days of dos where you had to reinstall the OS to clean up problems.

Windows 10audio problemaudio issuesstaticpoppingfalling offno audio