Pianist and composer Fazil Say in the Concertgebouw Sessions, playing 'Black Earth'. The composition was inspired by Kara Toprak, a popular song by Aşık Veysel, about loneliness and loss. In the composition, he imitates the Saz, a Turkish lute, by muting the piano. The Concertgebouw Sessions is a series in which musicians play a short piece of music in special places in The Concertgebouw. Subscribe to this YouTube channel to make sure you don't miss our videos. CREDITS: Video: Guido Jeurissen - Rauwkost Film Audio: Roel Pothoven Productie: Fabian Jon Ming & Myrthe Nieuwenhuizen SOCIAL: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/concertgebouw Instragram: http://www.instagram.com/concertgebouw Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/concertgebouw