Watch the Full Video at Rapid Screening of HIV Reverse Transcriptase and Integrase Inhibitors - a 2 minute Preview of the Experimental Protocol Steven J. Smith, Stephen H. Hughes National Cancer Institute, HIV Drug Resistance Program; Here we describe cellular cytotoxicity and single round infectivity assays that allow for the rapid and accurate screening of compounds to determine their cellular cytotoxicity (CC50) and IC50 values against WT and drug resistant HIV-1. Visit to explore our entire library of 14,000+ videos of laboratory methods and science concepts. JoVE is the world-leading producer and provider of science videos with the mission to improve scientific research and education. Millions of scientists, educators, and students at 1500+ institutions worldwide, including schools like Harvard, MIT and Stanford benefit from using JoVE's extensive library of 14,000+ videos in their research,education and teaching. Subscribe to our channel:

EducationHIVImmunology and InfectionLabLaboratoryLectureMethodProtocolResearchScienceTutorialcytotoxicitydrug resistanceinfectivityintegraseluciferasereverse transcriptase