Intuitive Energy Healing is a powerful and growing for of healing often being combined with massage and other hands on healing practices. It's a wonderful hybrid and a very exciting convergence of the intuitive and physical healing arts. Chris Schweska is an amazing healer and a wonderful light. He's a powerful and gifted teacher and practitioner and more information about Chris can be found at Our goal here at is to help people discover choices for healing — body, mind, spirit. Take what you like and leave the rest. Much of the information on CreateYourHealth.comis based on the Natural Healing Model rather than the Medical Health model. While every caution has been taken to provide you with the most accurate information and honest analysis, please use your discretion before making any decisions based on the information in this website. Create Your Health is not liable or responsible for any loss, inconvenience, or damage relating to your use of any of this information. (This testimonial was provided by the individual. This is not a paid endorsement. Results may vary. Results aren't typical.)

energy healingalternative healthwellnessEnergy MedicineNatural Healingchris schweskapeter bedardintuitive healing