当人不接纳神的应许 When People Do Not Accept the Promise Of God 在遭遇患难与苦楚中:1)我们不接受那是神良善的计划中的一部分,所以不来到神面前,反而一直以要改变现状为目的来寻找方法。2)我们一直消灭圣灵的感动,拒绝祂给予我们的帮助,求自己认为有益处的。3)我们因此认命而失去动力活,且留在怨天尤人的光景。 In trials and suffering: 1) We do not accept that this is part of God’s good plan, thus we do not come before Him. Instead, we keep seeking ways in an attempt to change our current situation. 2) We always put off the Holy Spirit conviction and reject the help He is giving us, only to pursue the good which we define on our own. 3) Because of that, we resign to fate and lose the motivation to live, or remain in a lamenting state.
