#腌咸鸡蛋 #SaltedEggs 我的视频里所有料理的配方,用量全部简化成美国标准的量杯和勺子,特别简单方便。 The recipes and dosages of all dishes in my video have been simplified to American standard measuring cups and spoons, which is very simple and convenient. If you like my video, or have some thoughts, please subscribe 🔔 and follow 👍: 如果你喜欢我的视频,或有所感悟,请大家订阅🔔和关注#家常菜HomeCooking👍: 『 Appetizers (小菜类)🍤』 https://is.gd/bmshappetizers 『 Vegetables (蔬菜类)🥕🍆』 https://is.gd/bmshvegetables 『Soup ( 汤类 )🍲』 https://is.gd/bmshsoup 『Seafood (海鲜类)🦐🦞』 https://is.gd/bmshseafood 『Carbo Dish (主食)🍚』 https://is.gd/bmshcarbs 『Meat (肉类)🥩 』 https://is.gd/bmshmeat 『Specials (传统)🥮』 https://is.gd/bmshspecials 『Desserts (甜点类)🍬🎂』 https://is.gd/bmshdesserts =================================================== 先把水和盐混合一起 (3:1)煮开,放凉 First mix the water and salt (3:1) to boil and let cool 把鸡蛋放到瓶子里,倒入盐水,最后倒2大勺的40°%的白酒 Put the eggs in the bottle, pour the brine, and finally pour 2 tablespoons of 40°% white wine (or vodka) 放置3-4星期 Leave for 3-4 weeks

中国菜风味小吃小菜chinese food家常菜北美生活北美生活美食HowtoMakeRecipe三文鱼SalmonTeriyakiSalmon香煎三文鱼葱煎三文鱼清蒸三文鱼红烧三文鱼seafood海鲜咸鱼咸鱼烧肉红烧肉braised pork with salted fishcarpsalted fish咸鱼红烧肉徽菜麻辣鱼香炸麻辣鱼块上海熏鱼糖醋鱼Deep-Fried MaLa Bass NuggetsDeep-fried fish炸鱼龙虾咸鸡蛋咸蛋咸鸭蛋腌咸鸡蛋腌咸鸭蛋咸肉配方recipe咸蛋黄鸡蛋干卤鸡蛋干黄金皮蛋皮蛋Preserved Cured Hazel Eggsxianjidangxiandang