山本口金店秉持「復刻昔日美好」的精神,打造常伴生活的皮革物件。 我們使用經得起時間考驗的材料與做工,製作成長久陪伴您生活的物品。皮料經使用而產生的痕跡與光澤變化,就是屬於你的時間印記,讓經典耐用的皮革製品紀錄你的美好日常。 Yamamoto Leather is dedicated to handcrafting leather goods that last, reviving the beauty of yesteryear. With materials and craftsmanship that stand the test of time, our mission is to make goods that last. The marks and patina that naturally develop on the leather over time are the unique record of your life. Let our classic, durable leather goods document your days. 👛 官網 Official Website | http://www.yamamoto-leather.com.tw 👛 Instagram | http://www.instagram.com/yamamoto_leather