This mission will give some players difficulty maintaining 100 technique while also keeping up with power scores(and just in general not losing). Since Colin's units are 90% attack/defense, it can be hard making a wall of units that will survive the onslaught, or at the very least, not die in one turn from a bomber or mid tank. The easiest way for a 300 is to bait in all of Lash's stronger units that can one-shot in with a capture stagger(while simultaneously not losing the units used to bait enemies). Priority kills are generally the air units since they can go around the sides and indirect combat units that will provide enough damage to break through your wall. A rocket of your own can help ward off enemy rockets from closing in, but they're pretty fragile. Somewhere in your defense, you'll have to destroy 4 units in a single turn for a 100 power score, so plan accordingly. You'll have to beat the lab mission first if you want to make Neotanks in this mission. As always, remember to like, favorite and subscribe if you like the content. I'm just posting these for posterity and anyone interested! __ Page: Twitter Page:

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