By popular demand, here it is! An overview of what you will cover in an Australian Constitutional Law undergraduate subject, boiled down to its bare bones, explained in simple, sensible, comprehensible terms - with key authorities and points to remember. Early on in the video, I mention that if your knowledge of the parliamentary and court system is limited, it may be useful to revise some materials on those topics. Here are the relevant videos: Parliament: Legislative Process: Court system: Timestamps: 2:30 What are the purposes of a Constitution? 7:30 The process of Federation and eventually of Independence 13:00 The estates of power 16:00 Separation of powers 17:00 Responsible Government (Westminster System) 19:00 The Parliament 27:00 Concept of enumerated powers 28:30 Trade and Commerce power 36:30 Banking power 37:30 Loans power 40:30 Corporations power 46:00 External affairs power 54:00 Defence power 59:00 Immigration and emigration power 1:02:00 Marriage and divorce powers 1:05:30 Social security powers 1:07:00 Bankruptcy and insolvency powers 1:08:00 Intellectual property powers 1:10:00 Uniformity/consistency powers (money, measures, telecommunications) 1:12:00 Referred powers 1:14:30 Executive powers 1:18:30 Judicial powers 1:39:00 Commonwealth/state relations 1:41:30 Inconsistency of laws (s.109) 1:44:00 Implied intergovernmental immunities 1:46:30 Vertical fiscal imbalance 1:40:00 Tied grants (s.96) 1:52:30 Changing the constitution 1:55:30 Right and the Constitution

constitutional lawAnthony MarinacMarinacLaw in two hoursLaw studyLLB studyOnline law studyWestminster systemSeparation of powersvertical fiscal imbalanceStatute of WestminsterPower in australiaAustralian governmentHigh CourtGovernor GeneralTaxationForeign AffairsTasmanian Dams CaseConcrete Pipes CaseWork Choicesaustralian constitutionbill of rightsimplied rightsfree political communicationTreatiesUniform tax caseReferendum