2019-05-11 卢台长新加坡《玄艺综述》大型解答会 – 普度众生破迷惑 人间菩萨娑婆诃 https://orientalradio.com.sg/chi-dharma-talk-discourse/20190511singapore/ #观世音菩萨 #卢台长 #心灵法门 新加坡心灵法门共修会(免费结缘经书,佛法书籍) 11 CHANG CHARN ROAD #05-01, SHRIRO HOUSE, SINGAPORE 159640. 电话:+65 6222 2603 邮箱:xlfmsg@gmail.com Website: https://orientalradio.com.sg 开放时间:周一至周日:10am-8pm About Master Lu: https://richardjunhonglu.org/ About Guan Yin Citta: http://guanyincitta.com/en/ https://www.facebook.com/MasterLuBuddhism/ 观世音菩萨心灵法门 卢台长官方博客: www.lujunhong2or.com 初学者须知 https://goo.gl/c6h12a “观世音菩萨心灵法门”,是末法时期观世音菩萨为救众生之苦,应世而生的殊胜法门。心灵法门是以应用“念经、许愿、放生”三大法宝,通过如理如法的修心修行,及早还清业障,从而迅速改善命运。如今,经过多年的应用实践,全球已有超过七百万佛子通过修学心灵法门,成功化解今生前世的各种冤结,解决生活中疾病、婚姻、事业、人际关系等方方面面遇到的困难和烦恼,可谓消业最快见效最明显的方便法门。 Master Jun Hong Lu is the World Renowned Chinese Buddhist Leader and World Peace Ambassador. Master Lu is well known internationally for his work in promoting traditional Chinese Culture, World Peace and helping people through Buddhist Teachings. In merely a few years, there are over 10 million people following Master Lu’s teachings with the spirit and compassion of Mahayana Buddhism. Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door belongs to the Mahayana Buddhist tradition. It encourages people to recite Buddhist scriptures (sutras and mantras) on a daily basis, practise life liberation (that is, saving the lives of beings destined for slaughter), and make great vows to help more people. It is believed that these three “golden practices” lay a solid foundation for improved physical and mental well-being.

卢台长白话佛法心灵法门观世音菩萨Master LuGuan Yin CittaBuddism盧台長心靈法門觀世音菩薩master lu junhonglu jun hong卢军宏台长佛法