After being thrown out of the house by her father, Zainab decided to go to the village and ask people for help. He visited different houses and asked the residents for shelter, but no one was willing to accept him. Everyone refused to help Zainab for some reason, saying, "We can't do this." Frustrated and tired, Zainab went to a shop and bought some food to fill her stomach. With some energy, he returned to the city and stopped in front of a house where an old man lived. With a heart full of doubt, Zainab asked the old man to let her work in his house and earn money for her living. The kind old man entrusted his housework to Zainab and she also did the work carefully and diligently. After finishing the work, the old man gave money to Zainab and she left with thanks and goodbye. Although Zainab now had some money, she still had nowhere to stay. Finally, he decided to take refuge in the cemetery. He went to the room reserved for the cemetery guard and slept there to stay safe for the night. Zainab was sitting in that small and cold room and thinking about her life. Feelings of loneliness and despair surged in his heart, but he decided not to give up. Zainab vowed to herself to continue her efforts tomorrow morning and fight to find a way to a better life. While the night slowly came, Zainab went to sleep with prayers and hope, hoping that tomorrow would be a better day and she would be able to overcome her problems. #shelter_at_night #Help_the_kind_old_man #Zainab_in_the_graveyard #night_of_despair #shelter_in_darkness #Mehdi_and_Narges #The story of Zainab #Shelter_in_the_cemetery_area