每一个人都无法抗拒色香味俱全的川菜,盐帮菜作为川菜的一个重要分支,以独特的重油爆辣口味,占据川菜体系浓墨重彩的一笔。位于四川东南部的自贡市是盐井和盐帮菜的重要发源地,也是吃货向往的川味美食重地。盐帮菜的代表菜,葱葱鲫鱼,火爆腰花,水煮牛肉,一层辣椒一层红油,每一口都是绝佳的味觉体验。 Everyone can't resist Sichuan cuisine that is full of color, fragrance, and flavor. As an important branch of Sichuan cuisine, Salt Gang Cuisine has a unique heavy-oil hot-spicy taste that occupies a strong part of the Sichuan cuisine system. Zigong City, located in the southeast of Sichuan, is an important birthplace of salt wells and Salt Gang Cuisine, and is also an important place for Sichuan delicacies. The representative dishes of Salt Gang Cuisine, include Congcong Jiyu, Huobao Yaohua, boiled beef, a layer of chili and a layer of red oil, each bite is an excellent taste experience.

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