There are a few interesting efforts to create alternatives to one of the most widely consumed substances in the world: alcohol. Alcohol is responsible for some of the most preventable early morbidity and mortality—as well as ferocious hangovers—much of which is attributable to a molecule to which alcohol is converted in our bodies, acetaldehyde. We'll explore some of these efforts. 1. 2019 Bridget Alex, Discover Magazine - The Search for the World's Oldest Alcohol: 2. 2018 Liu, Nadel, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports: Fermented beverage and food storage in 13,000 y-old stone mortars at Raqefet Cave, Israel: Investigating Natufian ritual feasting: 3. 2021 C&EN - Drinking science: Deuterated ethanol and biochemical booze mimics: 4. Interview of Professor David Nutt on Alcohol: ———————————————————— I'm a PhD in neuroscience at the University of Pennsylvania, and I think of this kind of like office hours with a teacher where you can discuss anything you find interesting. I have a podcast, Wired to be Weird, about the brain with episodes devoted to specific topics - like why we dream & fall in love to why people develop dementia or déjà vu. You can get it wherever podcasts are found. Here's one place: Do you dig the idea of a weekly live conversation about science? I certainly do! I know not everyone is in a position to support people in this way — but, if you are, here's my Patreon: Do you want to chat live? Check me out on Happs:

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