#중국 #외교 #전랑외교 이것이 '대국'의 외교? 외교 깡패 중국의 전랑외교를 알아보자 | 중국, 외교, 전랑외교 즐거움과 유익함이 가득가득, 김지윤의 지식Play! kimjyTV@gmail.com 📑 참고문헌 📑 Allen-Ebrahimian, B. (2020, April 29). Beijing’s bullying has ruined its relationship with Sweden. Axios. https://www.axios.com/2020/04/29/china-sweden-relationship BBC News. (2021, June 2). Xi Jinping calls for more “loveable” image for China in bid to make friends. BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-57327177 Brandt, J., & Schafer, B. (2021, November 17). How China’s ‘wolf warrior’ diplomats use and abuse Twitter. Brookings. https://www.brookings.edu/techstream/how-chinas-wolf-warrior-diplomats-use-and-abuse-twitter/ Dai, Y., & Luqiu, L. R. (2022). Wolf Warriors and Diplomacy in the New Era: An Empirical Analysis of China’s Diplomatic Language. China Review, 22(2), 253–283. https://www.jstor.org/stable/48671506 Lau, S. (2022, August 11). China’s top 5 wolf warrior diplomats sinking their fangs into Europe. POLITICO. https://www.politico.eu/article/chinas-top-5-wolf-warrior-diplomats-sinking-their-fangs-into-europe/ Greenwood, S. (2023, June 1). Global Public Opinion of China During the Xi Era | Pew Research Center. Pew Research Center’s Global Attitudes Project. https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2022/09/28/how-global-public-opinion-of-china-has-shifted-in-the-xi-era/ Taylor, A. (2020, January 21). China’s ambassador to Sweden calls journalists critical of Beijing lightweight boxers facing a heavyweight. Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2020/01/21/chinas-ambassador-sweden-calls-journalists-critical-beijing-lightweight-boxers-facing-heavyweight/ 은진석, 이정태. (2022). 국제관계의 맥락과 네트워크 중심성: 중국의 전랑외교 사례를 중심으로. 국제정치연구, 25(1), 67-88.

중국외교전랑외교싱하이밍중국대사중국 대사싱하이밍 대사자오리젠중국 외교초치국제정치국제뉴스국제관계외교관김지윤지식플레이지식play김지윤 박사김지윤의 지식play김지윤의 지식플레이전랑 외교특수부대 전랑시진핑루샤예루사예주한 중국대사주한 중국대사 초치중국 대사 막말중국대사 막말중국 대사 논란중국 대사 발언source:영상