Unfortunately, we live in world were anyone can spout off their opinion on any topic simply with a few keystrokes on their computer and then broadcast it to the world through the web. It is important to know that just because someone wrote it, does not necessarily mean it is true. In this case, a author on the topic life insurance by the name of Dave Ramsey made some bold and incorrect statements about Indexed Universal Life. In this video, I will clear all that up and explain why Dave Ramsey is wrong! And because it is so easy for incorrect information to be so easily available, it is CRITICAL that you work with a properly trained IUL specialist who has your best interest at heart, to assure you achieve your goals and dreams. To your abundance! Doug Andrew Key Moments In This Episode ======================== 0:00 Introduction & Summary 2:00 The article "The truth about Indexed Universal Life" 5:00 Proven performance of UIL 7:45 Truth: the cash value it NOT invested in an index mutual fund 13:40 Truth about the fees 16:13 The difference between IUL and a indexed mutual fund 24:00 How Linking works 27:48 What about the market? 31:05 5 Questions you should ask an advisor 36:38 Get Your Copy of The LASER Fund! Go to: https://www.laserfund.com Go to: https://entitlementabolitionbook.com Go to: https://www.free10keysbook.com What To Watch Next ======================== How a Max Funded IUL Can Earn Tax Free Returns that are Safer & Higher than Banks Offer https://youtu.be/_YkV1nnYKl8 Did you love this video? Want to learn more wealth and life empowerment lessons from Doug? Here are some next steps! ======================== Ready to speak with a Specialist? Book a free Quick Consult here: https://3dimensionalwealth.com/getstarted Want to Learn More? Register For An Upcoming Event: https://3dimensionalwealth.com/events Claim Your Free Copy of The LASER Fund Book Learn How to Diversify and Create the Foundation for a Tax-Free Retirement https://laserfund.com/youtube Are you a Financial Professional? Register for the upcoming training: http://iulinsiderpro.com/ How to Lead Your Family/Business from “ME” to “WE” https://entitlementabolitionbook.com/ Visit Doug Andrew’s websites: https://3dimensionalwealth.com/ https://dougandrew.com/ DISCLAIMER: With any mention of The LASER Fund, maximum-funded tax-advantaged insurance contracts, or related financial vehicles throughout these videos, let it be noted that life insurance policies are not investments and, accordingly, should not be purchased as an investment. Where appropriate, authentic examples of clients' policies have been incorporated, with names changed or hidden to safeguard privacy. Additionally, past performance of existing client policies do not indicate or predict future returns. You should use caution in applying the material contained in this video to your specific situation and should seek competent advice from a qualified professional. Accordingly, the authors and publisher assume no responsibility for actions taken by readers based upon the information offered therein.

Doug Andrew3 Dimensional WealthAbundant Living