October 1956. Footage of the aftermath of the shooting and capture of Dedan Kimathi, the senior military and spiritual leader of the "Mau Mau" Uprising. "Mau Mau" was the term used to describe the insurgents of the Kenya Land and Freedom Army (KLFA) Source: Reuters News Footage. Note: 1. Kimathi whose birthname was Kimathi wa Waciuri, was charged with carrying a firearm. He was executed by hanging the following year. 2. His wife, who was allowed to see him in prison before his execution, said he told her that "I have no doubt in my mind that the British are determined to execute me. I have committed no crime. My only crime is that I am a Kenyan revolutionary who led a liberation army... Now If I must leave you and my family I have nothing to regret about. My blood will water the tree of Independence." 3. Kimathi inspired the young Nelson Mandela. Mandela had wanted to visit his grave, but was unable to. Kimathi's legacy had been ignored by the governments led by Jomo Kenyatta and Daniel arap Moi. New African Magazine | "Nelson Mandela was inspired by the gallant struggle put up by the Mau Mau in Kenya to defeat colonial rule" https://newafricanmagazine.com/4120/