昭坤庆在这二十多年,得到很多在家居士的请求向他学习诵经。以此因缘,昭坤庆慈悲特别准备好这法礼,来利益所有在修行佛法的居士。这是大师父二十多年的心愿,就是将经文做好,因此也终于圆满了。愿大家法喜的接受这礼物,希望大家更精进学习和修行灭除一切的痛苦。 经文是依据宁心寺的巴利经诵本诵念。请点以下网址以获取宁心寺诵经课本。经书与大家结缘,请勿滥用。 📔早课课本 https://santiforestmonastery.org/chantings/morning-chantings/ Venerable Chao Khun Keng had been receiving mass requests from laypeople to learn chanting from him for more than 20 years. With great compassion, Chao Khun Keng has created this gift for all who make effort in their practice of Dhamma. This has been an aspiration for Chao Khun Keng to make this chanting records happen, may all receive with great rejoice and obtain great determination in the practice to end all suffering. This chanting is recorded according to the Pali Chants of Santi Forest Monastery. You may get the chanting book with the link below. These chanting book are shared to you and please humbly value and not misuse. 📔Morning Chanting Book https://santiforestmonastery.org/chantings/morning-chantings/ 📌 章节 Chapters 0:00 星期六 早课 Saturday Morning Chanting | 由昭坤庆带领 Lead By Venerable Chao Khun Keng 0:21 Ratanattaya Vandanā 礼敬三宝 Venerating the Triple Gem 2:10 Buddhabhithuti 赞颂佛陀 Praise for the Buddha 3:36 Dhammabhithuti 赞颂法 Praise for the Dhamma 4:15 Saṅghabhithuti 赞颂僧伽 Praise for the Saṅgha 5:36 Ratanattayappaṇāma Gāthā & Saṁvega Parikittana Pāṭha 礼敬三宝与警惕出离偈 Salutation to the Triple Gem & the Topics for Chastened Dispassion 10:56 Taṅkhaṇika-paccavekkhaṇa-pāṭha 使用四资具的省思 Reflection at the Moment of Using the Requisites 13:09 Buddhapādanamassana Pātho 礼敬佛之足迹 Homage to the Buddha’s Footprints 14:43 Maṅgala Suttaṁ 吉祥经 The Discourse on Blessing 17:18 Āṭānāṭiyaparittaṁ 阿达纳帝亚护卫偈 Homage to the Seven Past Buddhas 27:35 Dhajagga Paritta 如是世尊 The Top-of-the-Banner-Staff Protection 29:16 Jayamaṅgala Aṭṭhagāthā 胜吉祥偈 The Eight Verses on Wholesome Victories 33:01 Jayaparittaṁ 胜利护卫偈 The Victory Protection 34:32 Maha-maṅgala-cakkavāḷa 大吉祥宇宙 The Great Universe of Blessing 38:50 Mettānisaṁsa Suttaṁ 慈心功德经 Discourse on Advantages of Loving-kindness 41:03 Tilakkhaṇādi Gāthā 三法印 Verses on the Three Characteristics 42:50 Bhaddekarattagāthā 贤善的一夜 A Single Excellent Night 43:46 Aggappasādasutta Gāthā 无上净信偈 Verses from the Discourse on the Supreme (Objects of) Faith 44:42 Ādiyasutta Gāthā 得财五因偈 Verses of ‘Discourse on Adiya’ (Verses on Getting Rich) 45:31 Saṅgahavatthu Gāthā 四摄事偈 Verses of ‘Discourse on the Bonds of Fellowship’ 46:21 Pattidānagāthā 功德回向文 Verses on Dedication of Merit

ChantingDhammayut OrderคณะธรรมยุตAjahn KengChao Khun Keng宁心寺Santi Forest Monastery