I love creating workouts for you to enjoy and help you along on your fitness journey. Let's Crush this workout! Train hard and push past your limits. Welcome to the Kick Ass Kettlebell series, where we grab life by the bells! In this series we grab a kettlebell to change things up and build strength and endurance. Grabbing for a kettlebell can help add a new dimension to your workout. If you don't have a kettlebell, use a dumbbell in it's place. Feel free to pick your favorite workout music for motivation, hit play and let's go! The format will change from workout to workout! Whether you are a beginner or more advanced athlete, do what you can, and work hard. Change will happen when you are consistent. Let's build up our fitness levels together one workout at a time. Subscribe to my youtube channel for more workouts https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKxjVgHpSEFKlG5OekbhryQ Join my fitness friends Facebook page to connect with others, find support and motivation through your health and fitness journey. https://www.facebook.com/lizworkouts/ Welcome to today's Kick Ass Kettlebell #7- In today's workout we grab a kettlebell and hit the upper body, lower body and core with bonus circuits after each round. Let's get in our workout gear, warm up to boost performance and reduce your chance of injury, press play and let's go!! Train hard, sweat hard. Earn it!! Enjoy today's workout. Please feel free to modify any moves to make them work for you. You can do this by changing the angle of your body, reducing your impact, range of motion, speed, number or reps or reducing weight/load. Equipment required: Kettlebell (feel free to swap dumbbells in place of a kettlebell) ***Please note I workout bare foot as that works for me. Please wear foot attire that works for you.*** Workout breakdown: Reps and Circuit rounds Upper Body - 2 Rounds + Complete Circuit 1 after Round 1 and Circuit 2 after Round 2. 15 Shoulder Shrugs 12 Upright Row 10 Triceps Extension Overhead 8 SA Row R+L 4 Walk Plank, Push Up, Pull Through After Round 1 Circuit 1 4 Figure 8 Squat High 5(Catch) 8 SA Swings R 4 Bur-pee Pick Up Hop 8 SA Swings L After Round 2 Circuit 2 4 Broad Jump, 4 Toe Taps, 4 Bunny Hops Back 8 SA Swing Snatch R 4 Sit Back, Reach over, Get Up 8 SA Swing Snatch L Lower Body - 2 Rounds + Complete Circuit 1 after Round 1 and Circuit 2 after Round 2. 15 Dead Lifts 12 Goblet Squat + Calf Raise 10 Bear Taps + Step Back Step In 8 Sumo Pulses 4 Pendulum Lunge R+L After Round 1 Circuit 1 4 Figure 8 Squat High 5(Catch) 8 SA Swings R 4 Bur-pee Pick Up Hop 8 SA Swings L After Round 2 Circuit 2 4 Broad Jump, 4 Toe Taps, 4 Bunny Hops Back 8 SA Swing Snatch R 4 Sit Back, Reach over, Get Up 8 SA Swing Snatch L Core - 2 Rounds + Complete Circuit 1 after Round 1 and Circuit 2 after Round 2. 15 Swings 12 Side Bends R+L 10 Lat Pull Crunch Cycles 8 Russian Twists R+L 4 Low Plank Spider Knee Push Pull R+L After Round 1 Circuit 1 4 Figure 8 Squat High 5(Catch) 8 SA Swings R 4 Bur-pee Pick Up Hop 8 SA Swings L After Round 2 Circuit 2 4 Broad Jump, 4 Toe Taps, 4 Bunny Hops Back 8 SA Swing Snatch R 4 Sit Back, Reach over, Get Up 8 SA Swing Snatch L 4 Minute Flow Finisher Plank to Push Back Double Clean to Squat Double Clean to Side Lunge R Double Clean to Side Lunge L Repeat Make sure you take the time to do a proper cool down. A cool down is an essential part of your workout. A cool down includes stretches or gentle variations of the movements you did during your workout. The purpose of cooling down after exercise is to allow your heart rate and breathing to return to normal and to promote relaxation. Disclaimer: You should be in good physical condition to be able to participate in these exercises. If you are new to exercise and planning on embarking on a new fitness program, you should consult your physician or health care professional before starting to determine if it is right for your needs. The exercise instruction and advice presented are in no way intended to be a substitute for medical consultation. Please know that by performing any exercise or program, you do so solely at your own risk. You should understand that when participating in any exercise program, there is a possibility of injury. Do not start this fitness program if your physician or health care provider advises against it. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain or shortness of breath at any time while exercising you should stop immediately and seek medical attention. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional.