This Thursday, September 14th, we will have a new moon, and this lunar phase is ideal for cleansing and purifying your body. If you've been feeling low on energy, very tired, lacking motivation, or experiencing financial difficulties, I suggest trying this ritual to rid yourself of any negative energies you've picked up in the past few days. On Thursday night, before going to bed, mix 1 quart of water, 5 bay leaves, a handful of salt, and a bit of vinegar in a container. Then bring them to a boil for 15 minutes. Afterward, strain the mixture and let it cool. Take your usual bath, and at the end, pour this prepared water from your neck to your feet while saying "I release all negative energy that doesn't belong to me," always visualizing the water carrying away the bad vibes. Let the water air dry on your body. Sleep with this bath all night, and when you wake up the next day, you can take a regular shower. This ritual will help you get rid of the negative energies that are holding you back and hindering your progress. You will begin a new cycle, refreshed and full of energy.

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