2024.03.02 长岛看七哥,谈郭先生雁平联盟近况及猎狐行动——最近纽约市长助理和亚洲事务高级顾问鄭祺蓉的住所被FBI进行搜查。据报道,鄭祺蓉为中共猎狐行动的执行者之一。中共的猎狐行动的执行者分不同等级,其中梁冠军和郑琦等人属于接受命令的第一级,鄭祺蓉属于第二级,他们负责执行不同任务包括与西方政要做交易,第三级包括Kissinger和Elliot Broidy等人,帮助中共对欧美政商界进行最深度的渗透。 Mar 02, 2004 Miles Insight - Recently, the residences of Winnie Greco, the New York City mayor's assistant and senior adviser on Asian affairs were raided by the FBI. According to reports, Winnie Greco (Chinese name Zheng Qirong) is one of the executors of the CCP’s Operation Fox Hunt. The executors of the CCP's Operation Fox Hunt are divided into different levels. Among them, Liang Guanjun and Zheng Qi belong to the first level who receive orders. Winnie Greco belongs to the second level. They are responsible for performing different tasks including making deals with key person in Western government and business. The third level includes Kissinger, Elliot Broidy and others who help the CCP infiltrate most deeply into the political and business circles of the West.