Malinalco Cuauhtinchan archeological site, partly has an external resemblance to Qenko in Peru, since part of the temple and the stepped pyramid is carved into a monolithic stone rock. The temple has an image of a strange head that strikingly resembles the Mediterranean Medusa Gorgon, or the Creatures of Indo-China and Indonesia, or of the Ancient Egyptian Bes creature. A Unique little-known archaeological site of Mexico. Cuauhtinchan Archeological Zone or Malinalco Archeological Zone, located just west of the town center on a hill called Cerro de los Idolos, which rises 215 meters above the town. On its sides are a number of pre-Hispanic structures built on terraces built into the hill. The main structures are at the top. This was discovered in 1933, and explored by José García Payón in 1935.

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