Fluoroquinolones: How Do They Work (i.e Ciprofloxacin) At NurseMinder it is all about helping nursing students, LPNs, registered nurses and patients improve their knowledge and skill around common nursing skills and knowledge. Ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin are common generic named drugs that you would find in this classification of antibiotics that treat mainly gram-negative bacteria. In this video, I share with you some fun and fast tips to learn how to recall information about these drugs without having to memorize pages of details. From how they work, to the side effects and mechanism of action - I work to make pharmacology easy so you can better care for your patients and pass the NCLEX!. Subscribe to NurseMinder https://www.youtube.com/c/nurseminder?sub_confirmation=1. ❤️ ~ You may also be interested in watching ~ ❤️ Alaris Pump Training https://youtu.be/gTQgmQ9N0wk Hypodermoclylsis Insertion and Care https://youtu.be/Ear9D9yI6rI Organizational Plans for Nursing https://youtu.be/_NATxwPwHzc

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