Behold, a human trafficking awareness animation made to teach kids tips to avoid getting taken by traffickers! This is a FREE resource, so please feel free to use this at your school, show to your kids, or where ever else it may be made use of! To get a high quality download for your own use, please comment your email on this Facebook post: Else, just rip it straight from here XD More Info: SUPERHEROES' TRICKS AGAINST TRAFFICKING As we kick off the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence on 25 November 2021, the Sexual Offences and Community Affairs Unit of the National Prosecuting Authority, the SPAR GROUP and the HHPPB Task Team calls for global action to increase awareness about Trafficking in Persons to prevent innocent victims from falling prey to this modern - day form of slavery. The global theme for this year’s 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, which will run from 25 November to 10 December 2021, is “Orange the world: End violence against women now!” In an effort to create awareness with the younger members of our society, the SPAR Group collaborated with the Sexual Offences and Community Affairs Unit of the NPA and the KZN HHPPB Task Team to create a cartoon educating children about Trafficking in Persons in a non - threatening manner. This cartoon teaches children to ask questions, to look for clues and to learn the human trafficking hotline number 0800 222 777 and 10111. In addition, the cartoon provides some tips to keep children safe and advises children that they can access the Thuthuzela Care Centres for help where they become victims of Trafficking in Persons. The cartoon can be used in schools to create awareness, in training, on social media etc and may be copied freely for this purpose. It may however not be edited for any purpose. For more information on Trafficking in Persons or to report cases of Trafficking in Persons, you can contact the Human Trafficking Hotline on 0800 222 777. All cases of TiP must be reported to SAPS: Call 10111 or report the matter at your nearest police station. To find your nearest Thuthuzela Care Centre email: #hhppb #superheroestricks #EndHumanTrafficking #16DaysofActivism #GBV #FreedomGeneration
