Although the SC/MP is very special to me, it must have been one of the most under-powered 8-bit microprocessors unleashed at the time (1976). But I didn't know any better, and in my 14-year old eyes, it was nothing short of amazing. This was my first computer hands-on experience. I discovered microprocessor fundamentals and assembly programming with it, all in the glory of raw hexadecimal machine coding. I found my beloved kit again during a visit at my parents, along with my notes, and brought it back to its native Silicon Valley birthplace (the National Semi plant, now Texas Instruments, is down the road from me on my way to work). Time to revive it after nearly 40 years, and relive my first steps in computing, and lessons I have never forgotten. Complete info on the SC/MP Kit and this project on my web site: More videos on the hardware shown in this video: DolchPAC 65 computer: Data I/O 29B EPROM Programmer:

National SemiconductorSC/MPScampMicroprocessorCuriousMarcAssemblyMachine CodeInstruction Set8-bitRestorationVintage ComputingRetro ComputingMK14