STARSEED REMEMBRANCE - course: To tap into your galactic gifts, reconnect to your Starseed family and remember your origin. For those that long for their home and have felt like an 'alien' all their life. Learning more about the Starseed mission can be very healing: why we came to this planet. This self-paced course offers insights on how to ground and let that seed bloom, so you can bring your beautiful Starseed gifts here! Starseed meditations: Includes a guided meditation to connect to your Pleiadian life & family - so you can have your own inner experience and reconnection! Do you feel resonance with the #Pleiadians? Here are some signs you belong to this star family! #pleiadianstarseeds have immense compassion and emotional depth because of their evolved heart chakra. Their soul chose to be here and to bring the Pleiadian paradise to earth. If they remember/accept that, they will be able to ground and actually bring their beautiful artistic gifts and their high consciousness into the earthly plane. Share below if you resonate with these signs! Do you have a creative or artistic talent? Thumbnail artwork ©Mayasana ✨✨✨✨ I’m Roos (pronounced Rose) and a psychic channel. RECLAIM YOUR PSYCHIC SELF - course: 5D IN PRACTICE - course: PSYCHIC PROTECTION - course: Donate: Mailinglist: Website: Instagram:
