大家好 这一期和大家分享 九层塔肉碎饭 Pad Kra Pao 希望大家会喜欢 #阿鸿的食谱 #九层塔肉碎饭 #PadKraPao https://youtu.be/g4UKl0sMlxo Ingredients (Diana) 1. Egg 1pc 2. Minced pork belly 300g 3. Long bean 2 stalks, diced 4. White rice 5. Thai basil leaves 6. Garlic 2cloves, minced 7. Chilli padi green and red each 2pcs 8. Green and red chilli each half, cut smaller Seasoning 1. Salt little 2. Pepper little 3. Oyster sauce 1tbsp 4. Fish sauce some 5. Sugar little Method 1. Crack the egg in a bowl. Add more oil in the wok and heat the oil at low temperature. Add in the egg and let it slowly cook in the oil. May off the heat if too hot. 2. Stir fry the long beans till fragrant, set aside 3. Stir fry the minced pork. Then add salt and pepper and continue to stir till oil is extracted. Set aside 4. With the extracted oil in the wok, add in chilli padi and fry, followed by garlic and cook till fragrant. Then add oyster sauce and fry till fragrant. 5. Add back minced pork and fry. Then add chilli and long beans and fry. Add fish sauce and fry. Then add basil leaves. Lastly add sugar and mix well 6. Arrange on the plate with white rice and egg 7. Serve and enjoy! 💕 Recipe from Mr Hong kitchen 30/3/2022(Wed) YouTube ★   九层塔肉碎饭   ★ 材料:   (wpy) 蛋   1粒 肉碎   300g 长豆  2条   (切粒) 香料: 九层塔   适量 蒜末   2瓣 青,红辣椒   各少许 青,红小辣椒   各 2条   (切片) 调味料:   盐,胡椒粉  各少许,蚝油   1汤匙,鱼露  适量,糖   少许 1.   把蛋打入小碗,起锅烧油,油量可以多一点,油温不要太高,直接倒入蛋,        低温把蛋泡熟,起锅,备用。(油泡蛋) 2.   起锅烧油,加入长豆,煸炒至香,起锅,备用。 3.   起锅烧热少许油,加入肉碎,中小火把肉碎炒香,炒至出油,加入盐和胡椒粉,       翻炒均匀,起锅,备用。 4.   利用锅里的猪油,加入青,红小辣椒,爆香,加入蒜米,爆香,加入蚝油,爆香,        加入肉碎,翻炒均,加入青,红辣椒和长豆,翻炒均匀,起锅前,从锅边淋入        少许鱼露,翻炒均匀再加入九层塔,翻炒均匀,最后洒上少许糖,炒均匀即可起锅。 Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/MrHongKitch... Mr. Hong Kitchen Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/mrhongkitchen Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mrhongkitchen/ Cuitisan保鮮盒 下单链接:http://m.me/mrhongkitchen/ #PadKraPao #九层塔肉碎饭 #Rice #MrHongKitchen
