Event: Erfgoeddag 2021, Atelier ヶ| ke Japanese creative cultural exchange HUB Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/atelierkeonline/ Atelier ヶ|ke, a cultural exchange HUB, wants to make a connection with everyday, creative life, here and in Japan. ‘Ke / ケ’ means ‘daily life’, so ‘real’ life, rooted in the local.Local makers and artisans show their culture and craft, in video and conversation. A day in Japan: https://www.erfgoeddag.be/activiteit/japans-belgische-creativiteit-en-erfgoed-oyasumi-nasai Unfortunately, due to the current Corona measures, we cannot organise a physical ‘Heritage Day’ on location this year.As a result, we recently decided to make a limited digital alternative for this. We organise a digital link with Japan: A lecture and conversation with a local paper maker in Japan, Senkashi: Saturday 24/4, Sunday 25/4 at 1 pm. Daily Cooking: Making a Japanese daily meal, breakfast, Washoku, with Conversation. Saturday 24/4, Sunday 25/4 at 16 pm. (Rescheduled.) More info later. Reservations for this presentation and online meeting can be made via info@atelierke.be. You will receive a link. Later we will organise physical and online events and workshops. Atelier ヶ|ke Globally Locally Cultural Exchange Platform Makers- en ervaringsruimte voor Japans-Belgisch erfgoed, creativiteit en vakmanschap. Modernistische ijzerwinkel, 1920, Huib Hoste. Beschermd Monument. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/atelier.ke/ website: https://atelierke.be

JapanJapaneseWASHOKUCreativeCultureCultural exchange日本和食文化交流HUBLeicaworkshop教室衣食住工芸職人学びLearnschoolBelgiumwervikLocalGlobal木工和紙藁細工革細工金工陶芸織物染物刺繍編み物組紐ガラス工芸漆芸石工貴石細工仏壇/仏具人形/こけし文具建築craftcraftsmanartarchitectureHuib Hoste日本の文化和菓子日本酒日本茶晴れとけ発酵お米rice郷土料理風土地方地域性