Listen to the community for placemaking “Actively research to find solutions." “Learn from our future customers and users to provide what they need.” Architectural design is centred on the needs of its users, reflecting the connection between architects and everyone else. We believe developers play a very important role in the construction of living spaces, so we reach out to the community with our partners to learn about the people we serve. At the heart of our business is a culture of empathy, and with a people-oriented philosophy, we strive to innovate architectural solutions while actively considering the balance among People, Prosperity and Planet to create a better and more sustainable community. 建築設計呼應用戶需求,體現建築師與大眾的連繫。我們明白發展商在空間構建中扮演很重要的角色,透過與夥伴們合作,走入社區,了解需要。本著同理心出發,改善住屋、致力社區建設,積極兼顧人、繁榮和環境的平衡發展,締造更美好的家園,實現可持續發展理念。 #華懋集團 #至城以心心之所在 #人繁榮環境 #心之連繫連繫你我 #可持續發展 #社區營造 #建設更優質環境 #建構理想居所 #全心守護環境 #香港設計中心 #荃灣 #人本精神 Neighbourhood Innovation Lab #ChinachemGroup #PlacesWithHeart #PeopleProsperityPlanet #CareWithHeart #CommitmentToSustainability #MakeOurEnvironmentBetter #PlaceMaking #SustainableLiving #TsuenWan