The Vigil is a track from the upcoming Henry Bowers album A Delicate Craft. The Uppsala reggae vocalist Amsie Brown is featured on the track. At the end of the video there's a snippet of a roots remix of the song by the Gothenburg reggae/hiphop profile Hofmästarn. You'll find the full version of it on Spotify, iTunes and such. Beats by Logophobia For all the resolution nerds, this video was not shot in 4k, but since the look of it is quite grainy and rugged the best way to get it to look good on youtube was to upscale it. Spotify: Lyrics: THE VIGIL I’m rappin’ for a livin’ with the shittiest of revenues I’m payin’ what I need to pay then give away the residue I live today as if I knew tomorrow’s mine when in fact I’m well aware I’m on some borrowed time and I have to meet my destiny – it’s sadly a necessity reality will drastically just capture me eventually and rap’ll be the death of me – I’ve understood that but it’s the only thing I’ve ever been told I was good at so I’ll stick to my guns with conviction I feel as if my diction’s become an addiction and now I’m too weird for jobs and social life I know – but the scope of what I write is ocean wide they wanna keep us dull and they’re takin’ great measures by providin’ a variety of chemical pleasures but they sure ain’t getting what they paid for ain’t chasin’ no dragon – just tryin’ to outrun the pale horse we fight and we fend but tonight it will finally end come foes – come friends I bet you can tell this is it so I bid my farewell let the vigil commence I’m puttin’ critics in clinics – sick of their cynical opinions they wanna be remembered – I am givin’ ‘em oblivion ‘cause livin’ in dominions of faculties is frightening so actually in fact they better stack up on their vicodin they take one look at you then call in the cavalry and quickly throw a book at you with marketing strategies bargainin’ tactfully and targetin’ mass appeal but I’ve got the audacity to be causin’ calamity ‘cause I’m stubborn as fuck – never givin’ in willingly always listen to my gut like some silly ventriloquy words are weapons and I’ve got the illest artillery I flow precise as if I’ve got a silicon chip in me I’m bringin’ ruckus to the dicks who string the puppets hope to hit ‘em with my spit before I quit and kick the bucket lick my dick and suck it if you didn’t approve now go and do your job and write a shitty review this mountaintop is lonely – I am nobody’s protégé eventually mountains turn to pebble – it’s a slow decay I was told to stay in line but I’m fallible the detours I have taken have been rather radical incompatible – my path is full of twists and contortions and it’s taken cataclysmic proportions now I’m stealin’ cookies ‘cause I’m desperate for fortune can’t rest my stressed mind – left with exhaustion I’ve built my kingdom in the dark – I was set apart have been roamin’ freely in the shadows from the very start soon you’ve reached the end of this emperor’s repertoire when I’m done send me off to bed forevermore a legacy of record sleeves made in the days of old my castle has been crumblin’ as of late but I stay on post crazy – well maybe so – afraid it’s the way to go a heart fit for gods and a face fit for radio

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