A touching drama about Claire, a little girl who learns Teochew so she can communicate with her grandmother before her grandmother passes away. This story takes place in the future in which Claire grows up and recounts on her younger days back in 2016/2017 in which she was left in the care of her Grandmother. ——————— 这是淡马锡理工学院(新加坡)学生制作的微电影。 This is a short film done by my group, G3 Pictures, a group of graduates from Temasek Polytechnic Design (Digital Film and Television) students for our Final Year Project, AY 2016/2017. 导演 (Director) - Ng Xin Min (黄欣敏) 制片人 (Producer) - Ng Shi Ning, Clarissa (黄诗甯) 副导演 (Assistant Producer) - Mellissa Tan Yuan Ting (陈涴婷) 摄影 (Director of Photography) - Wong Jing Feng Bryan(黄敬峰) 录音师 (Sound) - Marcus Wong Wei Jie (王炜杰) 剪接 (Editor) - Caryn Lim Chia Ling (林嘉玲) 美术/道具 (Production Designer) - Mandy Ong Shi Yun (王诗云) 置景 (Set Decorator) - Norfazirah Bte Mohammad Amir Initially inspired by the relationship I have with my late maternal Ahma (nope, I am not spoilt and bratty like this HAHAHA and sadly, I wasn’t as lucky as this other Claire in having such a "happy ending"), the story has then evolved into this piece of hard work we have created in a span of 9 - 10 months. Even though the story has transformed with a 270-degree change, we hope to let the future generations know how important it is for us to protect our very own culture. Lastly, 阿嬷,你听到了吗?Hope you’re seeing this and we all miss you dearly. Edit: Thank you for all the support, our video has reached 1,257,594 views (as of 4 May 2020) on Facebook through a repost by the 潮州文化分享区 TeoChew sharing Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/SGTCN/videos/vb.507968506051889/938820162966719/?type=2&theater&comment_id=553910535328247¬if_t=video_comment¬if_id=1588470849934533 ***这视频是非商业用途,请勿将此影片谋取利益。转载前请联系原创获得许可,谢谢。 Please do not extract this video or repost this on YouTube, social media platforms and other sites without permission. Kindly add the URL and share it through the means of a link share and refrain from monetizing this video. Thank you.

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