This song is written by Marcus Vinicius da Cruz e Mello Moraes, also known as Vinícius de Moraes and nicknamed O Poetinha. Written in 1963. This video is uploaded for entertainment purpose and to display the creativity of the group of youngsters from Damodar Higher Secondary School, who took part at the Vem Cantar 2013 and won the 1st Prize at both the finals as well as the Preliminaries. This performance is a mix of different versions of the "Berimbau" song. This is just a recording of a live performance by Harmonia Divina group. Original music is not owned by me.

fleur diasthandiegiselle colacoKaren PereiraJude SalesFlur diasBerimbau (Musical Instrument)Vinicius De Moraes (Author)bossanovaberimbauLivevem cantargoagino colacosarojini fernandesbaden powellvinicius de moraes