In an attempt to reduce the immunogenicity of the mouse antibodies, genetic engineering is used to generate chimeric antibodies containing human constant domains and the mouse variable domains to retain the specificity Humanization is important.... To reduce the immunogenicity of monoclonal antibodies derived from xenogeneic sources (commonly rodents .... to improve their activation of the human immune system Rodent antibodies .... are highly immunogenic in humans, which limits their clinical applications, toxicity due to cross-reaction with proteins in the body Importantly, they are rapidly removed from circulation ....and can cause systemic inflammatory effects as well.

antibodyhuman antibodyantibody engineeringmonoclonal antibodyhumanized antibodyantibody humanizationantibodiescdr graftingchain shufflinglight chainheavy chain Creative BiolabsCAMouse™Human AntibodyTransgenetic MouseAntibody DiscoveryVHH StrainVHL StrainVHK Strain