**EXTENDED EDIT NOW LIVE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8el3syekK0** In partnership with the Cape Eleuthera Institute (@ceibahamas), we managed to achieve history, tagging an animal from a submersible (submarine) for the first time EVER. Our objective was the deep-sea #shark, the bluntnose sixgill. This ancient species predates most dinosaurs, and is a dominant predator of the deep sea ecosystem. The lead scientist on the mission, FSU Marine Lab's Dr. Dean Grubbs, has been the first to put a satellite tag on one of these elusive sharks, but until now had only been able to do so by bringing them up to the surface. Stay tuned for a full video from the mission coming up soon on #OceanX. Achieved as part of our ongoing partnership with Bloomberg Philanthropies Vibrant Oceans Initiative (@bloombergdotorg) and The Moore Bahamas Foundation (@moorecharitable) to create One Big Wave for ocean conservation and stewardship. #sharkweek FOLLOW OCEANX FOR MORE EXPLORATION: http://www.instagram.com/oceanx http://www.facebook.com/oceanxorg http://www.twitter.com/oceanx http://www.linkedin.com/oceanxorg http://www.oceanx.org