The final part of the translation follows: Certainly, if one truly and wholeheartedly contemplates this, undoubtedly, they will subdue their body through the power of remorse. Even though remorse [sadness] is a husk of the impure forces, nevertheless, it is the key to humbling one's body, as in the case of fasting. Afterward, through this power, one will reach joy, as it is written, "In all remorse, there is profit" (Proverbs 14:23), which refers to joy. But how can one reach joy? It is through the realization that blessed God's will specifically dwells within the mundane and that the Holy Blessed One resides only within the four cubits of Halachah (Jewish law). This is the meaning of "And I will dwell among them." Just as the Holy Blessed One placed His Divine Presence in the Tabernacle, which consists of physical boards and curtains. Similarly, our leader Moses, when he wished to speak with the Holy Blessed One had to enter the Tent of Meeting [the Tabernacle]. For Moses obm could not receive Divine communication except through the medium of physicality. Because it is God's will that He should have a dwelling in the mundane, and Moses, too, was a human being. After contemplating one’s own state and recognizing one's true lowliness, one can, through this power, reach joy, as God's will is to dwell specifically within the mundane. However, initially, one must contemplate God’s unity.