List about the best cities of central america In this list are listed from best to worst capital cities and departmental capitals, valued according to their human development and economic growth, which is the primary factor to be able to give faith and truthfulness that if a country is in progress system or not. It is a top of 7 major cities, is that there are more and I will be hard or not, it is not against any country, but I visited them all, as well that of which I speak, and I have In this list about the best cities of central america you can find: 7. City of Tegucigalpa, Honduras 6. Guatemala city, Guatemala 5. Panama city, Panama 4. Antiguo Cuscatlán, La Libertad, El Salvador 3. City of San Salvador, El Salvador 2. City of Santa Tecla, La Libertad, El Salvador 1. City of San José, Costa Rica 7. City of Tegucigalpa, Honduras Until we change, here is leaps and bounds one of the cities with less economic growth because yours is the only 0.002 very but very below of a municipality of El Salvador, and that is the honduran capital, its Human Development Index is the 0,861. A country that has a long way to go, with a lost war against El Salvador, with a lot of crime and extreme poverty, in fact it is now considered the poorest country in Central america, with social marginalization, in order to not go into details, in a city where they give fire to his own metropolitan cathedral and loot their commercial centres, it is not difficult to guess the mode of living of the honduran... 6. Guatemala city, Guatemala Guatemala City is in fourth place because if Human Development Index is of the 0,907 and its Economic Growth 0.007. Guatemala city embraces modernity with antiquity, as it still has more than two-fifths of its population is indigenous and the majority of your country is in development (slow step), the majority of the population lives in towns or villages, with the exception of the Capital City. Typical meals are not much known, in fact, copied typical meals from other countries such as El Salvador (pupusas) and the tacos or tortas, mexican, cuisine, let's say that is not so good for the other central american countries. Its population growth is the highest in the region with more than 17 million people (according to the national census), and this continues to increase by leaps and bounds and this makes its economy does not have the strength to continue and the country will have serious economic problems. In terms of the education student are the worst evaluated, despite having a large population, the student population is not much, in fact, are the red numbers which we can appreciate, especially higher education is very low and of poor quality. Have the airport, worst rated, the airport, The Aurora, which is for civil and military use, is located in the heart of the capital. Account with just a single Airline and your flight more long is to Chicago, U. S. A. Financial districts in Central America recognized by the UNDP: Guatemala has an International Center of Commerce "Dubai Center-Guatemala" (World Trade Center Dubai, Guatemala). it is an area of offices and shopping centre but the UNDP does not endorse as a financial district by their lack of influence in the region. 5. Panama city, Panama The City of Panama is on the first place with your economy stronger in the central american region, this being its human development 0,966 and its economic growth of about 0.002. Apart from having the economy more strong it also has... The images you can find in this video are property of 20 minutos