Synopsis: The adventure movie "Wild Survival 荒野求生" tells the story of Zhou Xiaomeng’s travel through the primeval forest. Working as the editor-in-chief of an adventure magazine, she was too into adventure to care for her family, which resulted in her divorce. She was forced to give up the custody of her child, not long after the child and her ex-husband had a car accident that left her devastated. Not going well with her work and marriage, she made an adventure plan through the crisis-ridden primeval forest, challenging not only the wild primitive environment, but herself. Eventually, she made it through the largest primeval forest in China. The moment she walked out of the forest she realized that compromise would not make everything right, but would only make her lose more. After this adventure, Zhou Xiaomeng knew better about life. She has defeated herself. Her mind has been purified during the trip. Finally, she is full of strength and ready for new challenges! 故事简介: 探险电影《荒野求生 Wild Survival》讲述了一个杂志社主编周晓梦穿越原始森林的故事,周晓梦在一家探险类杂志社做主编,由于太过热衷于探险旅行,疏于顾家,导致丈夫极度不满,在不得已的情况下,周晓梦妥协离婚,她被迫放弃了子女的抚养权,没过多久孩子与前夫发生车祸让她一蹶不振,在工作婚姻都不顺的时候,周晓梦做了一个冒险计划穿越危机四伏的原始森林,挑战野外原始环境,亦是挑战自己,最终周晓梦成功穿越国内最大的原始森林,战胜了环境也战胜了自己,走出森林哪一刻她才明白,妥协不会海阔天空,只会让自己失去更多。经过本次历险穿越,让周晓梦的人生体悟更加深刻,她战胜了自己,在穿越中心灵得到空前净化,并充满了力量,准备迎接新的挑战! 出品 Studio: 张飞电影 Zhangfei Film. 制片人 Produced by: 张本忠 Zhang Benzhong, 斯斯Sisi. 导演 Directed by: 张嘉飞 Zhang Jiafei. 编剧 Screenplay by: 张嘉飞 Zhang Jiafei. 主演 Starring: 贺颖怡 He Yingyi, 吴永康 Wu Yongkang, 李娜 Li Na, 周琳 Zhou Lin, 魏硕 Wei Shuo. 题材 Genres: 探险 Adventure. 頻道內容介紹 Introduction of Channels & Contents 1, 圈影圈外官方電影頻道 Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official: 2, 圈影圈外官方電視劇頻道 Q1Q2 Chinese Drama Channel: 3, 模晰官方電影頻道 Moxi Movie Channel Official : 4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater 5, 模晰音樂頻道 Moxi Music Channel:

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