海洋公園原來肩負著一個非常重要的使命!今集OPTV和你一同進入「海洋奇觀」,發掘水族員如何攀山涉水、克服艱難,為繁殖和保存香港獨有品種而努力不懈! Did you know that Ocean Park has a very important mission? In this episode of OPTV, you will trek through mountains, cross rivers, and conquer difficult challenges with our aquarists to see how they preserve a unique species of Hong Kong, and help increase its population!

OPTVhkoceanparkoceanparkAmusement Park (Industry)romer's tree frogfrogseducationconservation海洋公園香港海洋公園保育盧氏小樹娃