The method of making taro paste filling is super simple. This filling is best use for bread, cakes and many other desserts. 做芋泥餡的工序非常簡單。芋泥餡適用於芋頭麵包,芋頭蛋糕或其它甜點。 Makes 12 pieces 這食譜可做 12 個芋泥球 小貼士: 1. 做芋泥的攪拌時間隨個人喜好,建議稍微保留一些細顆粒,讓口感更加豐富。 2. 基本上只能冷藏保存2天 芋泥餡材料: 芋頭 400克 細砂糖 5 湯匙 煉奶 (煉乳) 1½ 茶匙 牛奶 1-2 湯匙 無鹽牛油 (無鹽奶油) 1 湯匙 Ingredients: 400 grams peeled taro 5 tablespoons white granulated sugar 1½ teaspoon condensed milk 1-2 tablespoon milk 1 tablespoon unsalted butter, softened Tips: Store in the refrigerator. It is good to keep up to 2 days.

taro dessertsnackbreadfillingpineapple fillingmango filling麵包製作韓國麵包韩国面包吐司點心中式點心mermeladared bean paste紅豆沙餡pastry fillingdanish fillingbreadmakingcake小籠包白糖糕馬豆糕紅豆糕芝麻糕芒果糕桂花糕大菜糕紙包蛋糕馬拉糕燒饼芝士蛋糕牛油蛋糕香蕉核桃蛋糕韩式蛋糕蒸蛋糕慕斯蛋糕蛋糕捲