"我们的视频着重展示美食制作过程,所有食材的来源都符合合法和道德标准。" #芋泥馅 #Taro Paste Filling #mooncake filling 嗨!大家好!我是傻大姐!也是一个爱好煮食,烘培者!今天来做月饼的馅料~【芋泥馅】。自家做的芋泥馅料吃起来甜而不腻,香软可口,越吃越香。 简单做法,甜而不腻,香软可口芋泥馅(月饼) How to make Taro Paste Filling (mooncake) 分量:大约900克的芋泥馅料 材料: 700克 芋头 100克 紫薯 160克 白糖 1/2茶匙盐 100克 植物油/玉米油 40克 麦芽糖 做法: 1.芋头和紫薯去皮,洗净,切成块 2.倒入锅里,加入食材一半的清水(大约400毫升),煮20分钟左右至芋头软烂 3.加入白糖,盐,压碎芋头和紫薯 4.要细腻的芋头泥,必须用料理机,搅打成细腻的泥状,如果搅拌机搅不动,可以加入少量的清水,机器能搅拌起来就可以,水量加多了,后面炒制时间也会相应延长 5.打好之后倒在不粘锅里,加入100毫升玉米油(玉米油可以分2-3次加入),继续慢慢翻炒 6.炒到稍微抱团后放40克麦芽糖,继续翻炒成团,然后再炒一炒,不沾锅铲就可以关火了 7.馅料稍微凉一下,放在保鲜膜里,这样我们的芋泥馅料就做好了,做好的馅料可以做面包馅料,月饼馅料,香甜细腻,越吃越香。 8.密封冷冻保存 ------------------------------------------------ Hi! Hello everyone! I'm Shadajie ! Also a hobby of cooks! Today i will make the filling for the moon cake ~ 【taro paste filling】.The homemade taro fillings taste sweet but not greasy, soft and delicious, the more you eat, the more fragrant you eat. Taro Paste Filling (mooncake) Yield: about 900 grams of taro paste filling Ingredients: 700g taro 100g purple sweet potato 160g white sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 100g vegetable oil/corn oil 40g maltose practice: 1. Peel taro and purple potato, wash and cut into pieces 2. Pour into the pot, add half of the ingredients (about 400 ml) of water, and cook for about 20 minutes until the taro is soft and rotten 3. Add sugar, salt ,the mash taro and purple sweet potato 4. To make a delicate taro puree, you must use a blender to beat into a delicate puree. If the mixer can't stir, you can add a small amount of water. 5. After blend, pour into a non-stick pan, then add 100ml corn oil (corn oil can be added in 2-3 times) 6. Stir-fry until it is a little thicken, then add 40g of maltose, continue to fry to form a dough, and then stir-fry without sticking the spatula to turn off the heat. 歌曲:杨柳青青,山外山 感恩有您😊☺️😘😘 ► Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/shadajiekitchen ► YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNKAVB4pM5Q4rojBCPhA16g

美食厨房烹饪素菜肉菜蔬菜做饭月饼芋泥馅Taro PasteTaro Paste Fillingmooncake