This video is from Kriti Educational Videos. MS Word is application software used for word processing. Word processor is software that allows us to prepare documents easily and quickly. We use MS word to make notes, question and answers etc. This video tells about the features of MS Word 2010 and steps for creating a new document. Contents: 1. Introduction of MS Word 2010 2. Features of MS Word 2010 3. Creating a new document 4. Shortcut keys The video is communicated in English. Video uploaded under permission from Kriti Prakashan Pvt Ltd, copyright with video is suitable for class 3.

Introductioncomputercomputersclass3cbseicseMS WordformattinglettersspellcheckgrammarprintpreviewribbontitlebarstatusdocumentarearulerparagraphscursorpositionverticalhorizontalcreatewordwrapsavingcorrectionshortcutkeysKriti Educational Videoskriti educational videoscomputer educationeducation on computersms world 3