全网首个“探索全球海岛”为主题的环球旅行博主 沿途分享~赶海、美食、渔猎、潜水、自驾、海钓等自由行攻略 2021.07.07开始我的环球探海之旅! 已经打卡~土耳其/北塞浦路斯/埃及/坦桑尼亚/阿曼/马尔代夫 正在进行~印度尼西亚 The first global travel blogger with the theme of "Explore the Global Islands" Sharing along the way ~ free travel strategies such as catching the sea, food, fishing and hunting, diving, self-driving, sea fishing, etc. 2021.07.07 Start my global exploration trip! Checked in ~ Turkey/Northern Cyprus/Egypt/Tanzania/Oman/Maldives Ongoing ~ Indonesia
