Vocal sung by The Victorian Chinese. My French is not good, but this is the only existing version with all five verses. 五段完整版的歌詞由The Victorian Chinese獨家演唱,法語不夠好請諒解。 旺代起義是1793-1796年閒由法國旺代地區的天主教保皇黨發動的反革命武裝起義,以失敗告終。The War in the Vendée (French: Guerre de Vendée) was a failed counter-revolution from 1793 to 1796 in the Vendée region of France during the French Revolution. The Vendée is a coastal region, located immediately south of the river Loire in Western France. Initially, the war was similar to the 14th-century Jacquerie peasant uprising, but quickly acquired counter-revolutionary and Royalist themes. The uprising headed by the newly formed Catholic and Royal Army was comparable to the Chouannerie, which took place in the area north of the Loire. 旺代軍以皇家的白底旗為旗號,因此稱白軍,與身著藍衣的共和軍“藍軍”對立。